Time Strategies

Time Management Strategies:

Time management has always been one of the biggest challenges I face in regard to my academics. What I have found is that working ahead, and mainly staying on top of the material in class is the best way to manage your time, which will make you feel overall less overwhelmed. I read two different articles on time management and different strategies to use in the future.

Article 1: "The Psychology of Checklists" By: Lauren Marchese

I found this article extremely useful because it provides a strategy that is simple but dire to managing your time. This article went in depth about how making checklists is a fun and beneficial way to stay on top of school. For me, I love the feeling of crossing off the things on my to do list. One thing I learned from this article was how to use SMART goals when setting your goals for the week. From now on, I will make sure that my goals are: Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Time-bound.

This photo portrays a good way of writing out your checklists.

Article 2: "The Important Habit of Just Starting" By: Jory Mackay

This article really spoke me, and was a big wake up call for me! I found this useful, because I would consider myself a procrastinator. However, this article did not make me feel as though I was alone or dumb, it provided me with tips on how to avoid this. One point that really stuck out in my head was that procrastination can result from feeling overwhelmed with the amount you have to do. What they suggested was to plan out your week and write a daily schedule of little increments of bigger assignments, so that it doesn't feel as overwhelming.


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